Friday, July 31, 2009

February 2009 Newsletter

I went bowling with God. He won and I’m going to teach English
in Rwanda with Youth For Christ (YFC).

It all started with a Facebook message from my sister-in-law Kiki,

“Anglophone friends around the world… As you may know, we work at a pre- and elementary school in Kigali, Rwanda in East Africa. Our school just completed its 3rd year in existence, with 480 students and 34 staff. The language of instruction at the school is currently French, though the government of Rwanda has recently announced that they want all schools to teach in English by January 2010 - just over one year away! Since most of our teachers don't even speak English that presents a new challenge for us, but one that we hope you'll be able to help us fulfill. Do you know anyone who would be interested in coming to teach English to our staff?”

My heart skipped a few beats and my thoughts raced, “What about me? No, that’s crazy! But I love Africa - I love to teach. Yes? No! Maybe?” And so I began investigating and making lists - lists of pros and cons, doubts, questions, and fears.

The bowling began in January when I took all my doubts, questions, and fears to YFC World Outreach Candidate Orientation. The bowling pins were my questions, doubts, and fears. It was amazing to see God knock them down. But to my surprise the pins reappeared in the next round as I gained more information or examined them from a slightly different angle. God knocked them down again. In some rounds, he knocked all the pins down at once with a forceful strike. In others, he gently knocked down a few pins and returned later to pick up the rest. Through a series of rounds, God patiently but persistently knocked down all my pins and gave me peace about pursuing this opportunity.

I’m grateful that the Lord is patient and can handle all of my doubts, questions, and fears. He has enlarged my heart for Rwanda, opened my eyes to the opportunities the English language brings to Rwandans, and given me an excitement to play a role.

I look forward to sharing my excitement with you over the coming months as I prepare for this new adventure.

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