Friday, July 31, 2009

June 2009 Newsletter

Greetings from Colorado!

I built a stone fireplace last year. It required someone with an eye for the big picture who could see how the individual pieces fit perfectly into the whole. Thankfully, my aunt and sister have an eye for that sort of thing.

I'm really thankful that God has an eye for that sort of thing as well. He see's the whole picture of our lives. He knows how to fit the pieces together perfectly - in the right way and in the right time.

In the last month, I've seen some big pieces of my journey to Rwanda fall into place – pieces that I couldn't even envision a few months ago. Here's just a few:

I was granted a leave of absence from work to attend training in June and July. I'm really grateful for my co-workers who have shared in my excitement, gone out of their way to pick up my workload, and made the transition smooth.

Youth For Christ has become home to me. At the YFC Summer
Institute, I met many great people with a passion for loving kids,
including Lynn and Paige. Lynn is a wise and seasoned YFC
counselor who will support me while in Rwanda. Paige is another
single gal hoping to arrive in Rwanda in January. She's a lot of fun
and a really good balance for me.

The task of teaching English is beginning to fall into place. I've spent the last two weeks in Colorado in language acquisition training. It's given me a great language learning foundation and many excellent tools and techniques. It's also addressed some of my fears and
increased my confidence and hope in the ability of adults to learn a new language.

In Colorado, He's surrounded me with like-minded people who are also beginning a new cross-cultural journey with God. It's a new community of friends that I did not expect. God has used them to encourage me and show me the depth of His love for people all over the world.

I'll remain in Colorado for the next three weeks for training in living cross-culturally. I'm really looking forward to all that God will teach me during that time and the people He will send to walk through it with me.

I'm still hoping to arrive in Rwanda by mid-August which means I need $800 more in monthly pledges. Would you join me on
this adventure? If so, tear off the bottom with your pledge and return it in the enclosed envelope.

Enjoying the Rockies!

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