Friday, July 31, 2009

May 2009 Newsletter

Muraho! (That’s hello in Kinyarwanda, the primary language in Rwanda).

It’s been a month of learning new things like:
  • Driving a standard is harder than I thought it would be. Did you know that Rwanda is the land of 10,000 hills? Yikes!
  • Kinyarwanda is hard. It’s a tonal language, but I’ve managed to pick up a few phrases.
  • French is not so hard, but not so easy either. The Rwandan teachers currently instruct in French, so I’m studying French grammar constructs for comparison.
  • English is a difficult second language to learn. I’ve been reviewing English as a Second Language materialsand have been surprised by all the rules and exceptions. For example, can you explain why these sentences are wrong?
- Crete is an Greek beautiful island.
- I walked to the store, but he runned to the store.
- I enjoy to study because I want learning everything about grammar.
- I worked very quickly and Tom worked very hardly to complete the project.

The Rwandan teachers have an extremely tough task ahead of them! This task is impossible. Sometimes it leaves me immobilized by fear, but your prayers are powerful and
accomplishing much. To name a few, you’re prayers are:
  • Providing the resources I need as I prepare for this adventure.
  • Allowing me to watch God check things off my list as things just “fall into place.”
  • Triggering the thought that the people around me matter more than my task list.
  • Opening people’s eyes to the needs of the Rwandese.
  • Spreading the word about what God is doing in Rwanda through YFC.

Keep up the prayers!

My goal is to be fully funded in July so that I can leave for Rwanda the first week of August. I’m halfway there! I still need around $1,400in monthly support and $10,000 in up front costs. If you’d like to help me cross the Atlantic this month, just send in the pledge slip below.

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